Sunday, 10 July 2011

Getting your Ubuntu 11.04 Ready for everyday use

Ubuntu 11.04 is by far, the best Linux for everyday use. Thanks to Canonical Ltd. for producing such a Operating System. However, to get it up and running for everyday normal use (such as surfing , playing music), you need to follow a few steps and install a few handy softwares.

Part 1: The interface

The Unity GUI provided by Ubuntu is somewhat confusing, and at times irritating, though it looks elegant.
I suggest you stick with the usual GNOME interface. A simple way to change it is at the time of logon i.e. when user clicks on the login screen.

 The login screen
Just select "Ubuntu Classic Desktop" and login. You're done

Or, if you are stuck with unity interface, click on the ubuntu logo at top-left of browser , then type "Login Screen", an icon appears with the name "Login Screen", and you get this:

Select "Ubuntu Classic" and close.

Part 2: The audio and video plugins
              By far the most dreaded (and yet the most simplest ) part when I had to prepare Ubuntu running up and fine, because I had no access to Internet,(believe me, its a nightmare when you are running any Linux without internet because you need to seek for support all the time). There are two methods to get this job done so that your intelligent machine can play all the audio and video files. 

In any of these methods, we are considering the Ubuntu Classic a.k.a GNOME interface
Method 1: Installing VLC Media Player:
1. Click on the Applications-->Ubuntu Software Center
2. On the search tab, type "VLC Media Player" and press Enter.
3. Now, under the results click on the "VLC Media Player"in the listing and click install

Installing VLC Media Player also installs the codecs along with it.

Method 2: Installing Ubuntu Restricted Extras
1. Click on the Applications-->Ubuntu Software Center
2. On the search tab, type "restricted" and press Enter.
3. Now, under the results click on the "Ubuntu Restricted Extras"in the listing and click install

Thats it , your codecs are installed

Part 3: Everyday Office Use                 
Note : If you use LibreOffice, then skip this step

                You probably would want to use OpenOffice suite for everyday office applications such as resume, invoices etc.

Why OpenOffice ?
1. Multi-Platform Application i.e. works on most versions of Linux and also on Windows
2. Compatible with Documents of Microsoft Office
3. Large User Community

Install OpenOffice:

1. Click on the Applications-->Ubuntu Software Center
2. On the search tab, type "OpenOffice" and press Enter.
3. Now, under the results click on the "OpenOffice Suite"in the listing and click install

Thats it! you can now play games , listen to music and also create documents , just as you would do with your regular PC.Dont want to lose the Windows Stuff? Well ! Here's a great idea ! Install Ubuntu alongside Windows, which is usually configured during first time Ubuntu Installation

For more help on Ubuntu Installation and Configuration , refer this site

Happy Computing

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